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Shangri-La life news

Click cover icon below to view or download the Shangri-La Life Newsletter.

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May 2024 Cover.jpg

Spring 2024

Inside the Issue

  • Shangri-La invests in Housing remodels

  • Yellow Napkin Project grows to 20,000 napkins, 40+ distribution partners

  • Accessible Spring Festival



November 2023 Cover.jpg

Fall 2023

Inside the Issue

  • Programs 'Back to Better' post-pandemic

  • My25 mealtime program goes beyond the plate to inspire healthy eating

  • Farewell to Capital City Cornhole Classic

May 2023 Cover.jpg

Spring 2023

Inside the Issue

  • Shangri-La 60th Anniversary celebrations

  • Permanent generators installed in homes for power outages

  • Yellow Napkin Project



Dig in the archives


Winter 22'  |   Fall 22'


Winter 20'-21'  |  Spring


Winter 19'-20'  |  Spring  Fall 2020


Winter 18'-19'   Spring  Fall


Fall  |  Spring  |  Winter 17'-18'


Fall Spring  



To request a printed copy of an issue of the Shangri-La Life Newsletter,

please email or call 503-581-1732, x328.

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